Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy and personal information is an important issue that we pay attention to in all our business relationships. We respect the confidentiality of your personal information and always act in accordance with the Data Protection Act and this Privacy Policy.

1. Scope of the Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide with information on how Complus Systems OÜ (hereafter Complus) uses personal information; which information about users is collected on Complus web sites, web applications and our mobile platforms (web services), which are analyzed and thereafter used, sent to third parties, or otherwise processed. This Privacy Policy applies to Complus shop online. It does not extend to Complus corporate web services, which are subject to their own privacy policies.

This privacy policy does not apply to web services managed by third parties.

2. Collection of Data

2.1. The Personal Information You Provide

As a rule, the disclosure of your personal information is not necessary for the use of our web services. However, if the collection of personal information (name, postal address or e-mail address) is required, it will be done as far as possible on a voluntary basis. For example, if you want to receive a newsletter from our website, we will ask you for your e-mail address and other information to help us identify that this e-mail address belongs to you.

2.2. Automatically Collected Information

In order to ensure data security and improve user experience, we also collect non-personal information when using our web services. For example, data is stored about the web browser you are using, the operating system, and the domain name you visited just before you reached our website; as well as how many times have you visited our website, how much time you have spent on it on average and what pages you have viewed. Such automatically collected data is not associated with data collected from other sources. However, we reserve the right to later review this data when we receive specific tips about illegal activities.

2.3. Web Analysis

To continuously optimize functionality and maximize user-friendliness, some of our web services use the following web analytics services and social media plug-ins. The data used for such purposes is always non-personal. The Standard Privacy Policy does not apply to web services managed by third parties. Services include: Google Analytics (for more information on Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, visit or, Facebook Plug-ins i.e. “Share Button” (For more information on Facebook Privacy Policy, visit, YouTube (YouTube Privacy Policy is available at and LinkedIn (For information on LinkedIn’s Privacy Policy, please visit

3. Use of personal data

In principle, the data you submit is only used for specific purposes.

These purposes are, in particular:

  • Providing, improving and supporting our web services. This includes analyzing data, identifying usage trends and calculating usage patterns, and statistics.
  • Marketing. Your personal information will only be used for marketing purposes, such as reviews and promotional campaigns, if you have given consent. In this case, your data will be retained for one year unless its longer retention is legally permitted for other reasons. You can withdraw the consent to use your personal information for marketing purposes at any time. See section 5 for more information.
  • Sending newsletters. If you fill in our newsletter sign-up form, we will only use the information you enter to verify that the e-mail address you entered belongs to you and whether you want to receive the newsletter, to create an e-mail list, and to analyze the use of the newsletter. In this case, your data will be retained for one year after the end of the order unless its longer retention is legally permitted for other reasons. We will use your data for other purposes only if you have agreed to such use.
  • Ordering products on our web e-shop. If you order products or from us, the personal information you provide will only be used to process your order, and is then stored for a maximum of one year. We may use third party services to fulfill your orders, to whom we will only transfer your data to fulfill your order. We will use your personal information for other purposes only if you have given your consent.
  • Using a Contact Form. If you use a contact form to submit your inquiries, the data you provide, including your contact information, will be used to process the request and will be saved for further use if there is need for follow-up action. If this is necessary to process your request, we may also forward your personal information to the third parties concerned. Your personal information will be stored as long as it is necessary to process the request and for a maximum of one year, unless its longer retention is legally permitted for other reasons.

4. Forwarding and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Depending on the type of activity you want (such as callback, placing an order, ordering products, etc.), we may forward your data to third parties involved in order fulfillment (e.g. mail order companies, etc.). We may also be required to disclose personal information in connection with statutory claims and rights, or in obligations to contracts. * Forwarding data to third parties: when performing certain orders and providing certain services, we co-operate with external service providers (e.g. forwarding agents). Such service providers are allowed to use or forward the data we collect and process only for the purpose of complying with Complus orders. * Compliance with laws and other similar obligations: we forward your personal information in order to: (i) to follow and comply with laws, requirements, official regulations or mandatory measures, (ii) identify and prevent security risks, fraud and other malicious activities, (iii) protect and/or exercise the rights and property of Complus or third parties, and (iv) protect the rights and security of our employees and third parties. 

5. Right to Information on, Withdrawal, and Deletion of Your Personal Data

You have the right to request written information about your personal data that we have stored. You also have the right to request the rectification, erasure, concealment or restriction of the processing of your personal data, and to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. Please refer to the contact details in section 7 for any such requests, as well as any other questions. If you have subscribed to our newsletter, you can opt out of this order by clicking on the newsletter text “Click here to leave the list of newsletter recipients” or by e-mailing us. If you would like to withdraw your consent to save or use your data, you can do so by e-mail, writing of your request at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

6. Data security

Complus uses a wide range of data security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal information. However, given the architecture of the Internet, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that there may be security holes in the transmission of data over the Internet (e.g. in e-mail) and that absolute protection of data from third parties is not possible.

7. Contact Information

Please send any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the processing of your data to: Complus Systems OÜ, Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 2A-14, 13522, Tallinn, Estonia.